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Dog Fouling at South Leicester RFC

Dog Fouling at South Leicester RFC

wayne marsden10 Mar 2020 - 07:27
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Health of players and supporters is always a priority for the club, please do not let your dog foul on the clubs private pitches

We are a responsible club and we have a responsibility to our members to protect them at all times.
Continued issues with irresponsible dog owners allowing their dogs to foul within the club grounds. This is wholly unacceptable. A number of our members are dog lovers and also bring their dogs to the club. We believe all our members act responsibly and that the issue is likely to be people from outside or in the houses adjacent to the club thinking they can use our grounds as a dog exercise yard during the week and at night.

If you see someone allowing their dog to foul the park and worse not clearing up afterwards don’t be afraid to name and shame them. There are no bad dogs just bad dog owners.

The problem (information provided by RoSPA)
Dogs on children’s playgrounds represent a major health and injury hazard:
• over 350,000 tons of excrement is deposited each year
• over 100 people, mainly children, have eye diseases caught by swallowing the Toxocara egg each year. This is caused by the parasitic roundworm in dog feces
• There is evidence that dogs also carry e.coli and hepatitis in their feces.

Further reading